We all know that lemon has plenty of health benefits. It is packed with citric acid, vitamin C, pectin, calcium and magnesium that boost the body’s antibacterial and antiviral powers. Whether you eat it fresh, drink in as juice or teas, lemon is full of natural healing power. Here are 12 health facts about lemon you probably didn’t know.
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Do Away with Stubborn Acne
Packed with vitamin C and citric acid, lemon is effective in controlling acne and provide our body with glowing skin. Drinking a glass of lemon juice every morning gives such healthy result. Treating acne –here are some do-it-at-home acne treatment you can try:
Dip a cotton ball on a fresh lemon juice and apply it on the affected areas and let it stay overnight. Cleanse it with lukewarm water the next morning. During the first few days, one can experience irritating sensation of burning, but as the skin adapt to the treatment the sensation will disappear.
You can also prepare a mixture of equal parts lemon juice and honey water, Apply adequate amount of mixture on acne areas for about half an hour. Then wash with water. To attain positive result, do this application twice a day (morning and evening).
Warning – If there are open wounds or the acne is severe, it is best to consult your doctor before applying these treatments.
Cool Down Anxiety
Are you feeling tense, nervous, anxious, exhausted or losing your concentration? Lemon balm and lemon oil demonstrate calming effect that may help you feel better. According to some studies, lemon balm and lemon oil demonstrate calming effect that is useful in fighting and overcoming these moods. Make you room in amiable working environment by making lemon oil as room freshener.
Goodbye Canker Sore
Bothered by canker sore, just do this medication and canker sore will bother you no more. Squeezed one or two fresh lemons, get the juice and add the juice into a glass of lukewarm water. Afterwards, rinse your mouth using this mixture. For better result, do this routine thrice a day. Lemon’s proven antiviral and antibacterial properties can speed up the healing process.
Ease Fever, Flu, and Cold
Lemon has shown healing power against fevers. Here is one effective homemade medication to try: Add the juice squeezed from one fresh lemon into a cup of hot water mixed with honey. Drink the solution at once and do it every 2 hours until such time that the fever subsides or the virus is eliminated.
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Relieves Sore Throat
Try putting together a mixture of 1 teaspoon of sea salt, juice squeezed from 1 lemon into a cup of lukewarm water. A perfect gargle solution to take thrice a day for 1 minute. If you are dealing with tonsillitis, then do the procedure every 2 hours for about half a minute.
Remove Corns and Calluses
Applying lemon poultices overnight can cure corns and calluses. Just put a slice of lemon about 5 mm thick on to that stubborn corn, wrap with bandage and fasten securely. Also, to facilitate the healing process, you can use cotton balls, moisten with essential lemon oil and dabbed it on the affected area.
Effective Against Eczema
A solution of 1 tablespoon liquid honey and about 7 drops of lemon oil added into 1 cup lukewarm water can give relief from eczema. Soak a clean linen cloth in the solution and gently dab it in the affected area for about 15 minutes. Do this application twice a day.
Rid Halitosis
Worrying about bad breath caused by consuming cigarettes or drinking alcohol, lemon can keep your breath fresh. Prepare a solution by squeezing the juice of 1 lemon and add it into a glass of lukewarm water. Gargle the solution several times a day. Also, eating a lemon after each meal will keep fresh breath.
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Relief From Bug Bite
Itching because of big mite? First, remove the stinger out of the skin then massage the affected area with a solution made from 1 teaspoon of honey and 2 drops of essential lemon oil. To keep away insects, spray into the air a mixture of 1 cup water and 20 drops of lemon oil. Another effective home remedy to get rid of bugs is to place a lemon oil-soaked cotton ball in your bedroom.
Read full article: 12 Health Secrets of Lemons
12 Health Secrets of Lemons
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