The most populous and one of the oldest and largest countries in the world is China. Here are some of the most unusual and weird facts about this country whose ancient name is Cathay.
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1.) China has a population of 1.33 billion people. If all the Chinese people sit side by side, they will be able to encircle the Earth 33 times.
2.) The Cattle population of the world is almost equal to the Chinese population. So if you are going to serve each Chinese a Big Mac, 60 million kilos of beef will be needed. That is approximately 600,000 cattle with an average weight of 1,000 kg each. 3.) It will take approximately 6 years for all the Chinese to consume all the beefs in the world if each one of them will consume 1 Big Mac a day.
4.) If all the Chinese and Indians will eat a Big Mac a day, they will consume around 100 million kilos of beef a day. That would mean slaughtering about 1 million cows with an average weight of 1,000 kg.
5.) If this is the case, within a period of 3 years, the world will be running out of beef supply. Luckily, almost all Indians do not eat beef due to religious prohibitions.
6.) If all the Chinese people will stand side by side, their total length will reach 1 ½ times the average distance of the Moon from the Earth.
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7.) The total length of the Chinese people sitting side by side is 151, 076 times the height of the highest point of the Earth- Mount Everest.
8.) The total length of all the Chinese people standing side by side is equivalent to 121,841 Marianas Trenches.
9.) Chinese children’s favorite pet is Cricket. Cricket fighting is a popular amusement in China.
9.) Do you know that 85% of the artificial Christmas trees in the world are Chinese manufactured? In addition, 80% of toys of the world are also China made.
10.) China has an active Army of 2,285,000 making it the largest number of active troop in the world. It also has 510,000 reserves, army 660,000 with a total of 3,455,000
11.) If the average height of a Chinese is 1.5 meters and each one of them will stand over the head of the other, their total height will reach 2,005,077,023 meters. That is 5 times the distance between the Earth and the Moon.
12.) The youngest parents ever in the world were Chinese. The couples were 9 and 8 years old and lived in China in 1910.
More articles by this author: Nobert Bermosa
Amazing and Interesting Facts About China
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