These geological formations known as balancing rocks may have taken millions of years to form and still being chiseled by erosion, to what are they today. Here is a list of these awesome natural balancing rocks from across the world.
It is a common knowledge that rocks are formed by erosion and harsh weather conditions. Surprisingly, the results come in spectacular shapes and for mankind to marvel. . Here is a list of these awesome natural balancing rocks from across the world.
Balanced Rock
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Balanced rock is one of the most popular rock formations at the Garden of the Gods Park in Colorado Springs, Colorado. Located at Pike’s Peak Region, this 700-ton huge boulder which seems ready to topple but surprisingly its narrow pedestal manage to balance the rock formation for thousands of years. However, its narrow base had to bolstered with concrete to prevent visitors from testing the balance against their strength.
El Torcal de Antequera
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This spectacular karst rock formation is located in El Torcal Park Nature Reserve Antequera, Spain. Formed by erosion one hundred million years ago, the 17square km park is home to some of Europe’s unusual limestone landscapes. These amazing rock formations balancing rocks, towers, sculptures and gorges. The Natural Park Reserve was created in October 1978.
Chiricahua Balanced Rock
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The 12,984 acres Chiricahua National Monument is located about 58 km of Willcox, Arizona. It is a popular tourist destination well-known for its huge vertical rock formations including the 1,000 tons Balanced Rock, formed after a volcanic activity nearly 27 million years ago. The eruption produced ash and pumice deposits about 2,000 feet thick which eventually cooled off into rhyolitic tuffs (gray rock ). Then, erosion and corrosion began chiseling away at the rock to form massive stone columns, towering rock spires, craggy grottoes, and balanced rocks including the 1,000 tons Balanced Rock. The area was renamed on April 18, 1924.
Balancing Rock near Digby
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Dating back to the dinosaur age, the 30-foot high Balancing Rock in Digby, Nova Scotia has stood teetering at the edge of a cliff fighting against erosion for thousands of years. The last one standing after several adjoining huge columnar basalt were toppled down into the bay, the Balancing Rock attract visitors for a beautiful trail. Be one of those who were fascinated by its magical act, who knows, it may also someday topple into the water’s edge.
Read full article: The World’s Most Awesome Natural Balancing Rocks
The World’s Most Awesome Natural Balancing Rocks
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