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Tuesday, 25 October 2011

Info Post
Fascinating Facts About Trees

I think that I shall never see
A poem lovely as a tree
A tree whose hungry mouth is prest
Against the earth’s sweet flowing breast…

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I guess many of us know this classic poem by Joyce Kilmer about a tree. But how much do you know about trees? Here are some interesting facts you may not have known about trees.

* Are you familiar with Sugar maples– these trees produce about 3 gallon of sap daily. However, it takes 40 gallons of sap just to make one gallon of delicious maple syrup!
* Do you know that a coast redwood tree more than 360 feet high is the world’s tallest tree. It can be found in California.
* Researches have shown that patients who look at trees from their hospital room windows be likely to recover from their illness a lot quicker. This only proves that trees can be a major factor of the healing process for people.
* If you can‘t bear the hot and humid atmosphere summer brings, then grab some shade from an oak or elm tree. The cooling effect these shade trees equals that of what five air conditioners give!
* At 400 feet into the ground, a Wild Fig Tree in South Africa holds the world’s record for the deepest roots.
* Would you believe that a birch tree, when fully mature can actually produce about a million seeds in a year.

# For those who are involve in Tree Conservation. Start recycling a ton of paper so that you can save one acre of trees.
# Do you know that the bristlecone pines that is widespread in the Western Coast of the United States do hold the record for the world’s oldest trees. Many of them are more than 4,500 years old.
# Have you seen a “flying seed?” a cottonweed seed bears tiny white hairs that helps in keeping the seed in in flight for several days.
# “An heir of a tree”, yes.. There is a White Oak in Athens, Georgia who inherited a 64 square feet land in a will! Believe it or Not..
# A tree from Malaysia, Albizzia falcata is the world’s fastest growing tree. So fast growing that it grows more than 2 centimeter every day!
# If the Albizzia falcata is the fastest growing tree, the Oak trees could be deemed the most patient, these trees have to wait 20 years before they start producing acorns.
# The world’s largest forests, covering almost 3 billion acres can be found in northern Russia.



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