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Tuesday, 2 August 2011

Info Post
A compilation of 20 activities that I’ve missed now they’re gone. Some are in danger of disappearing, while others have already vanished.

Progress is good—but occasionally it can forget our feelings and the world becomes just a little greyer.

With technology evolving at a rapid pace, we can say for sure, that at this very minute, something new has been launched just around the corner. Nevertheless, the circle of life remains constant: When a thing is born, something else may die as a result. Sometimes, the loss is a good thing, but at other times, the departure stirs bittersweet feelings. Below is a compilation of 20 activities that I’ve missed now they’re gone. Some are in danger of disappearing, while others have already vanished.

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Dialing on a Rotary Phone

My daughter gifted her son a toy telephone. Guess what type is it? — a vintage red Bell rotary phone. With the influx of touchtone telephones where dialing and connecting is much easier and faster, the active use of rotary phones becomes a novelty and owning one is prized item for antique collectors.

Paying for Long Distance

Decades ago, people had to connect to System Operators just to have a long distance call connected. Add to this burden is for them to pay expensive per-minute fees. Then, cell phone came and changed everything. Add to this is the popular Yahoo! Chat.. Adios, sky-high long distance call rate.

Using a Public Phone Booth

Now that everyone and even a cat owns a cell phone, public phone booths are now just for those who forgot or lost their cell phones. Evidence that public phone booth is on the way out is that it is getting tougher to track down one.

Getting a Busy Signal

I cannot recall how many times I lost my head whenever I got a busy signal specially if the calls are made for my sweethearts. Those days are gone! – with advances in voice-mail and call-waiting technology, I enjoy peace of mind not hearing that annoying broken tone any more.


With the arrival of the MP3 player, LPs and even CDs have been relegate to the past. Perhaps listening to your favorite songs now comes more handy, but I guess hearing the crackling sound of needle on vinyl, has gone forever.

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Playing Music on an Audiocassette

You can try to rewind, there is no stopping that the life of the cassette is on its twilight days. Cassette tapes are now confine to a few small churches where availability of funds constraint church authorities to avail of the advance disks.

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Putting in a Videotape to Watch a Movie

Betamax and its successor, VHS tapes are now finally dead! However, the cause of the twin death is still unknown. VHS gave us hours of videotape-watching enjoyment — and almost spending as many hours of adjusting the wretched tracking knob to get a clear picture.



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