Here are some inventions of the past. Some are useful and others are deadly. Gun – 10th c. CE photo link Most weapons that use gunpowder we...

Here are some inventions of the past. Some are useful and others are deadly. Gun – 10th c. CE photo link Most weapons that use gunpowder we...
A list of 10 beautiful Japanese flowers. The Japanese people have truly endeared and embraced as part of their culture, the love for flowers...
A list of the 10 most amazing cloud types. They may appear feathery, lumpy, pouch-like … may bring fair weather or a forerunner of typhoons ...
Beautiful places to see while in Indonesia. Indonesia, the largest archipelago in the world with 17,508 islands is haven to thousands of tou...
Have you ever wondered why gates were built during the medieval times and what are those famous gates? This compact article will answer thos...
Since thrill seekers experienced their first roller coaster ride at Coney Island, New York, on Jan. 20, 1885, the rides have gone a long way...
A list of some popular spring flowers. Flowers have always been a medium of expression and luckily Mather Nature has given us thousands of f...
Aside from being one of the most popular thirst-quenching drink today, Coca Cola has other uses around the home. Read on to know these uses...
A milkshake is a sweet, cold beverage which is made from milk, ice cream or iced milk, and flavorings or sweeteners such as fruit syrup or c...
Modern Science has gone a long way. With man’s continuing researches, inventions and discoveries science has become what it is today–powerfu...
The tonalpohualli consisted of a cycle of twenty day names combined with the numbers one to thirteen. The names were those of animals, eleme...